Fastest Background Checks. Get Started in Minutes!

  • 90% of Results Ready in 15 Minutes

  • No Contracts, Minimums or Setup Fees

  • Highly Accurate Results & Verifications

  • Built-in Compliance & FCRA Experts

  • US Based Live Chat Support

Trusted background check platform used by 10,000+ companies nationwide

H&R Block
Frito Lay
Meadow Gold
“Fast Track’s completion speed revolutionized our hiring process. Our previous provider’s turnaround of three to five days cost us top candidates. With Fast Track, securing talent faster improves our placement rates and saves on costs – a true game-changer for our recruitment success.”
James Rivenbark CEO JARS Hospitality

James Rivenbark

CEO, JARS Hospitality

Background screening for all sizes

Basic Search


per applicant

National Criminal Database Search

  • Social Security Number (SSN) Trace

  • Nationwide Criminal Records

  • Global, US, & State Watchlists

  • Sex Offender Registry

  • County-level Criminal Search

Complete Search


per applicant

National & 7-Year County Criminal Search

  • Social Security Number (SSN) Trace

  • Nationwide Criminal Records

  • Global, US, & State Watchlists

  • Sex Offender Registry

  • Unlimited County Criminal Search (7 yr)


Professional Search


per applicant

National, 7-Year County, Federal Criminal, Watchlists, Degree & Employment Verification

  • Social Security Number (SSN) Trace

  • Nationwide Criminal Records

  • Global, US, & State Watchlists

  • Sex Offender Registry

  • Unlimited County Criminal Search (7 yr)

  • Education Verification (Highest)

  • Employment Verification

Years of platform experience
Direct Court Integrations
Average Daily Orders
Customer Retention

90% of Searches Completed in 15 Minutes

Years of platform experience
Direct Court Integrations
Average Daily Orders
Customer retention rate

Package Add-ons

Customize your pre-employment screening or background check package with any of the following products. Volume discounts available.

  • Criminal Background Checks

  • Employment Verification

  • Driving Records (MVR) Checks

  • Drug Testing (ie. 10-panel)

  • Education Verification
  • International Background Checks
  • Social Media Screening
  • DOT Employment Verification
  • Professional License Verification

  • Personal Reference Verification

  • Professional Reference Verification

  • Military Service Verification

Types of Criminal Background Checks

State Criminal Background Checks
Conduct searches across state criminal record databases to supplement the County Criminal Record Check, ensuring comprehensive coverage and access to case information. Our screening process guarantees thoroughness and accuracy in background checks.

County Criminal Background Checks
Access the most comprehensive criminal history documentation by searching county records from any state. With most criminal prosecutions occurring in municipal or county courts, our county criminal records check ensures thorough coverage and accuracy.

Federal Criminal Background Checks
Utilize our service to search the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) database for federal felony and misdemeanor convictions at the district level in federal courts. Gain access to crucial information to ensure a thorough background check process.

National Criminal Database Checks
As a premier background check provider, leverage our powerful primary search tool to pinpoint the exact county records that necessitate review, accessing a comprehensive database of over 900 million public records.

Sex Offender Registry Checks
Utilize our comprehensive sex offender registry searches, covering all 50 states, Washington DC, and US territories. Our reports provide detailed information including the offender’s date of registration and current status, ensuring thoroughness and peace of mind in your background checks.

Global Criminal Background Checks
Tap into our extensive network of domestic and international government watchlists to search for industry bans, including those relevant to healthcare and finance, as well as criminal history. Our comprehensive search ensures thorough coverage, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making in background checks.

FACIS searches
FACIS searches through the Fraud Abuse Control Information System (FACIS) to screen for sanctions and adverse information, particularly crucial in sensitive fields like healthcare. Fast Track provides two levels of checks for federal and state compliance, ensuring thorough screening and adherence to regulatory standards.

SSN trace and address history
Utilize SSN trace and address history searches to uncover potential address history and aliases by scanning public and proprietary records. This crucial step helps determine which counties and other databases should be searched for additional public records, ensuring a comprehensive background check process.

SSN-less reports
If a candidate does not possess or provide a Social Security Number (SSN), it is still feasible to conduct certain checks such as motor vehicle records (MVR). This flexibility ensures that essential screenings can still be performed even in cases where SSN information is unavailable.

Ready to give us a try?

We offer the industry’s most advanced background check toolset, facilitating faster, easier, and more accurate hiring processes with reduced risk.